I owed the author of this book a favor and needed to read his book, but I must admit that the title didn’t really excite me. I procrastinated for almost a year. I finally took the plunge and dove in. I’m so glad that I did! This book is one of the most honest and raw narratives of an American man that I have ever read. He has a great sense of humor that had me laughing out loud at some parts. He’s also an incredibly humble and a talented writer. I enjoyed reading about his experiences in college, as an unhappy pharmacist, a glasses salesman, a journalist, writer, and teacher. What a varied career! All recounted with a sense of dry humor. His efforts to get laid as a young man were hilarious. I also enjoyed his sense of mysticism and spirituality and unexplained, almost supernatural events. What a great read! I highly recommend it! You can’t judge this book by its unsexy title.